An overview of my first weekend in Indy
Friday: I was surprised at how ready I was to finish my work on Friday. Apparently, the prospect of having a work-free weekend was more exciting than I had expected. I spent the day at the office formulating email briefs for our Digital team - it was another task I'd never really had to complete before, but once I got the hang of it, I was able to get creative and I had a lot of fun! My boss is a really nice guy, and he's been so focused on making sure I feel comfortable with my responsibilities, while also making sure I feel challenged. I feel really lucky to be with an organization that already values my work and input, and I am so looking forward to Monday!

Saturday: 2 hours. 20 miles. For a person who hadn't sat on a bike seat in over 3 weeks, and had never done it for more than 6 or 7 miles, 20 was a lot. We had decided to do a ride to downtown, which if 5 miles down the Monon and 5 miles back. I thought I could handle that. But once we got to downtown, we decided to explore. We went down Mass Ave, through Monument Circle, down to the Canal, through IUPUI campus, back up along the river, through Butler again, and back home. My legs had no idea where they were by the time we got home. Mr. L was even exhausted, which made me feel better about my beat-red face and sore calfs. Besides the soreness, it was awesome, and it feels great to be getting back into a solid workout routine. Next step: Join a gym!
I spent the day hanging out with the family, sitting in the backyard and enjoying the weather. It's been great here so far, not too hot and humid just yet! Then, I got ready to head out to dinner with my good friend Lizzie, who was in town for the night. We ventured into downtown to try Bru Burger Bar, this cute little place on the corner of Mass Ave with outdoor seating and killer appetizers. If you ever make it there, order the goat cheese and red peppers. Unbelievably good - and trust me, I was eating with a culinary master. We had about an hour wait before dinner, so I brought her to see my building and the center of downtown, and then after dinner we did a little more walking by the government buildings and Lucas Oil Stadium. It was a great night, and so nice to catch up for an extended period of time :) I got home and went right to sleep. It was a wonderful day, but I was so tired!
Sunday: Well, here we are. I'm enjoying a relaxing day, catching up on some SafeSittings work, doing a little reading, and getting ready for the coming week. I'll be heading to St. Joan of Arc for church tonight, and I'm looking forward to getting involved in a church in Indy. Thanks for keeping up with my adventures!
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