So, I haven't written on this blog in two weeks... shows how good I am at all this! I am not going to go day by day, because who wants to read that?! Two weeks ago, I spent the entire week at work creating emails and getting VERY acquainted with Google Analytics. That's pretty much all there was to the week that I can remember, so forgive me!
So, now I'll get to the story that most of you at least know about - the appendicitis fiasco.
Last Sunday, I was having a lot of stomach pain that eventually became centralized on the lower right side of my abdomen. Mrs L and I decided around 9pm that it might be a great idea to get checked out, so we went searching for 24 hour urgent care places in Indianapolis. Well, there weren't any... just our luck. We found one about 30 minutes away that was open until 11pm, and figured it might make more sense to wait until the next morning to get checked out, but then decided we'd both be too worried to sleep. So we got on the road.
Well, just our luck, the urgent care place we found had closed early on that Sunday night (and failed to post about it), but it was in a big hospital complex, so we figured the next best bet was the ER.
I have to say, that visit to the ER was the most efficient one I've ever had. Everyone was friendly, it was quiet, testing was quick, results came back fast, and I had some really great nurses. One was wearing 'Grey's Anatomy' scrubs... I got a kick out of that. Well, around 3am, the doc came back with CAT Scan results, and it was appendicitis! Woohoo! Here I am, in a new city with no family, being told I need to have emergency surgery. Usually I'm not very good in high-pressure situations, but I felt really at ease (like I said, great nurses). I spent some time trying to get a hold of my family, and since I had eaten a few hours beforehand, the doctor wanted to wait to do the surgery until the morning.
So, at this point it's about 3:30. Mrs. L and I moved up to my overnight hospital room, which was private and might as well been a hotel room! It was super nice, which made us both feel better. After we got settled, and my vitals had been tested, she left to head home and sleep a little, and I talked to some other nurses before I fell asleep around 4:30. About one hour later, a different nurse came running in saying it was time to go down for surgery. I immediately freaked out because I wanted Mrs. L to be back before I went in (I mean, I was a little nervous!) and called her right away. That poor woman barely got an hour of sleep before she had to truck back to the hospital - she's a saint. She made it before I went under, which was great, and I knew my mom and sister were on the way to Indy, which made it easier too!
Being wheeled into that room for surgery was pretty scary. You know what it will look like from TV shows and stuff, but it's much creepier when it's actually you. Luckily, I was out in about 4 seconds. I don't even remember my eyes closing, though I guess that means the anesthesia worked well... the next thing I remember is waking up in my room, and then quickly falling back to sleep. Those pain meds are exhausting!
A few hours after I got out of surgery, my mom and Molly arrived, which was wonderful. Having them there just made me feel at ease. After a few tests, walking around a bit, and finishing my antibiotics, they got me discharged! Laparoscopic surgery is pretty crazy - they got me out of the hospital just hours after I was on the operating table. I got to ride back with mom, and got the best surprise when I got in the car - she had brought my mattress to Indy, so that I could sleep as comfortably as possible. My mother is also a saint, and I'm so thankful she was able to come down and spend a few days with me.
The rest of the week kind of blurred together, since I was sleeping a lot and pretty much staying put. Mom, Mrs. L and Molly waited on me hand and foot, and I didn't have to worry about a thing. I felt pretty good, and was starting to act like myself again. Mom and Molly went back to Michigan on Thursday, and though I was sad to see them go, I was happy that I was finally able to take care of myself a bit!
Everyone I know was so understanding and caring - my coworkers, my friends and my family. If you're reading this, thank you so much for your thoughts, prayers, cards, gifts, and messages! It really lifted my spirits and helped me heal quickly!
Saturday was awesome - I got out of the house for a few hours for Symphony on the Prairie and so enjoyed it. The music was fabulous, and the environment was great... Nothing is better than outdoor concerts! But who knew that sitting at a table for a few hours would be so exhausting? I had apparently underestimated the amount of time it would take me to feel 100% better, and I paid for it on Sunday. I developed some mouth ulcers (which are a side effect of my pain meds) and I was pretty miserable throughout the day. Mrs. L helped me find some home remedies, which helped a little, but I was hoping to see the doctor to get some real relief.
It's Monday night now. I had a doctor's appointment at 3pm, which Mrs. L's mom was nice enough to take me to, and I got great news! Looks like I've done very well and won't have to come back. My incisions should heal up soon, I got some medication for my sores (which has already made a HUGE difference) and I was able to start eating normally again. I'm cleaned up and ready to go back to work tomorrow. I'm so excited to get back in a routine and be more normal again.
Again, I can't thank you all enough for your thoughts and prayers! I will do my best to be more consistent with my blog posts! I think this may have been the biggest #IndyAdventure yet :)
Thank you Shannon! I love you! <3 <3