Sunday: I did much of nothing on Sunday morning and afternoon, which was great, and went back to St. Joan of Arc for church. It was a beautiful night to walk through the neighborhoods, and I really enjoyed the service again. I like the 5:30 Mass - it's just a nice way to end one week and a great way to start the next. Mrs. L got back from her trip with the girls, and we decided to watch the Tony Awards together. It was awesome! We both have a major appreciation for the theatre and music, and we really enjoyed the show. I reminisced about my music days, and even told her about my "I'm gonna be on Broadway phase" when I took voice lessons and convinced my mom to let me get professional head shots. Things have definitely changed since then, but I will always be drawn by the artistry and rawness of theatre. And it reminded me of yet another reason I'd like to eventually move to NYC - Broadway whenever I want!

Monday: Today was a good start to my week. The morning was pretty standard - creating emails, transferring lists to Excel, looking over Google Analytics numbers - trust me, it's pretty much as exciting as I just made it sound. But, I am really getting to know the interns and other people in the office, and it's nice to take a break every once and a while and just chat. A bunch of us ate lunch together, and watched/complained about SportsCenter's overwhelming and unnecessary obsession with LeBron James. I only wish I was exaggerating. Monday's are always kind of fun because my bosses and I have a meeting at 2PM with a firm that handles some of our data analysis, and then we debrief for an hour or so. The debrief is always cool because it turns into a discussion of goals, ideas, campaigns, etc. The organization really has a lot it plans to accomplish, and I think it's a really exciting time to be a part of the company. I also work with some very smart, creative and talented people, and I know it sounds cheesy, but I am just learning so much so quickly. I couldn't be happier.
After our debrief, I actually had the chance to sit in on a phone interview for a possible new member of our department, and that was really eye-opening for me. I got to hear what people in this industry are looking for in possible employees, and understand more about what makes a good interview. After work, I had a nice relaxing night, watching more Parks and Rec with Mrs. L (I'm using her not seeing the show as an excuse, but I could watch these episodes on repeat all day... I may have a slight addiction). I'm really looking forward to the rest of the week! Thanks for reading!
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