Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Days 2 & 3:
I'm already behind on the blogging... there's a shocker! Welp, it's day 2 on the job and day 3 in Indy, so it works. I'm currently enjoying my lunch break from the seventh floor of our building, AND freezing my butt off. Note to self: always bring a jacket to work. 

Yesterday was my first day at the USA Football office, and it was interesting! When I start a job, I always have this expectation that the first day is going to be really exciting, and I'm going to be thrown into a bunch of different projects right off the bat. Surprisingly, my first day here was quite relaxing. Everyone was busy catching up after the holiday weekend, and I didn't really get any assignments. So, I got to explore, do some research on the organization, and just get acclimated to my new office! The people here are super nice and laid back, and I'm just looking forward to getting to know everyone a little more in the coming weeks.

Last night was good too! I think I am going to have a hard time understanding the concept of having a work computer, that I leave at work. Homework has become so second nature, but I have to say, it will probably be a nice break, and give me more time to explore this city! 

I'm having a great time with my host family! Mrs. L and I are so similar and goofy together, the kids are super energetic and fun, and I already feel like I fit right in. My family has been blessed with some wonderful friends, and I am so happy to have the chance to really get to know them. 

Work today has been great! I chatted with a few of the interns this morning, got assigned my first research project, and had the chance to sit in on my first content meeting. A bunch of USA Football gear came into the office right before lunch, so I also stocked up on lots of gear (I've never been one to say no to free t-shirts). The research I'm doing today is focused around popular Mom bloggers, especially if they write about kids and sports a lot. If you follow any, let me know! I had no idea how many blogging moms there are out there!! Kudos to anybody who can run a blog and a household... this part is hard enough! I'll share my favorite I've found below :) 

Thanks for reading today! 


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